Results for 'U. J. Mohrhoff'

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  1.  41
    A QBist Ontology.U. J. Mohrhoff - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):1253-1277.
    This paper puts forward an ontology that is indebted to QBism, Kant, Bohr, Schrödinger, the philosophy of the Upanishads, and the evolutionary philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Central to it is that reality is relative to consciousness or experience. Instead of a single mind-independent reality, there are different poises of consciousness, including a consciousness to which “we are all really only various aspects of the One”. This ontology helps clear up unresolved issues in the philosophy of science, such as arise from (...)
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  2. The univocity of being as experience of proximity: The aesthetics of the ontology of Gilles Deleuze.U. J. Organisti - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 93 (4):616-666.
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  3. Beziehung ohne Beziehung: Bemerkungen zur Gesellschafts-und Gemeinschaftskritik von Emmanuel Lévinas.U. J. Wenzel - 1994 - Studia Philosophica 53:177-199.
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  4. On the nature of evolutionary theory: Commentaries on Hull and Beurton.U. J. Jensen - 1981 - In Uffe Juul Jensen & Rom Harré, The Philosophy of evolution. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 26--61.
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  5. Depth-perception of stereoscopically presented virtual objects interacting with real background patterns.S. R. Ellis & U. J. Bucher - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):443-443.
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  6. Principles of Vibration and Sound.U. J. Hansen - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25:1799-1800.
  7. L. Goldmann, Mensch, Gemeinschaft und Welt in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants. [REVIEW]U. J. Wenzel - 1990 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 81 (4):490.
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  8. F. Kaulbach, Immanuel Kant's, Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten'. [REVIEW]U. J. Wenzel - 1989 - Kant Studien 80 (4):472.
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  9. Objective Probability and Quantum Fuzziness.U. Mohrhoff - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (2):137-155.
    This paper offers a critique of the Bayesian interpretation of quantum mechanics with particular focus on a paper by Caves, Fuchs, and Schack containing a critique of the “objective preparations view” or OPV. It also aims to carry the discussion beyond the hardened positions of Bayesians and proponents of the OPV. Several claims made by Caves et al. are rebutted, including the claim that different pure states may legitimately be assigned to the same system at the same time, and the (...)
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    Dr. J. B. Mayor on the use of eni and eneσti, and aitein and aiteiσθai, in the new testament.J. U. Powell - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (06):191-193.
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    Quantum Mechanics in a New Light.Ulrich J. Mohrhoff - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (3):517-537.
    Although the present paper looks upon the formal apparatus of quantum mechanics as a calculus of correlations, it goes beyond a purely operationalist interpretation. Having established the consistency of the correlations with the existence of their correlata, and having justified the distinction between a domain in which outcome-indicating events occur and a domain whose properties only exist if their existence is indicated by such events, it explains the difference between the two domains as essentially the difference between the manifested world (...)
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    Belegradek, O., Verbovskiy, V. and Wagner, FO, Coset.J. Y. Halpern, B. M. Kapron, V. S. Harizanov, U. Kohlenbach, P. Oliva, F. Lucas, B. Luttik, P. Matet & M. Pourmahdian - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 121 (1):287.
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    Theorie der Numerierungen II.J. U. L. Eršov - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):473-584.
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  14.  55
    On Aeschylvs' Evmenides, Schol. a to the Iliad, and the Oxyrhynchvs Papyri.J. U. Powell - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (03):141-.
    When the Oxyrhynchus Papyri of Sophocles' 'ІΧνενταí gave the forms κννηγ[Έ]σω , 1. 44 in Fragmenta Tragica Papyracea, and ΈκκννηγΈσαι, 1. 75, it restored to light a verb which is not acknowledged in the Lexicons, but which had remained, though almost unnoticed, in Phrynichus, Soph. Propar. in Bekker's Anecdota I. p. 48, and Theognostus' Canons in Cramer's Anecdota Oxoniensia II. p. 143. The form could not come from κννηγετΕîν, nor from the Hellenistic verb κννηγεîν, and attention was first drawn to (...)
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  15. Recent Ceramic Finds from Montegrande, Peru, Studied by Physical Methods.U. Wagner, F. E. Wagner, J. Riederer, C. Ulbert, M. Tellenbach & H. Müller-Karpe - 1988 - Paleotnologica:1-15.
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  16.  34
    On the covariant formulation of quantum mechanics.U. Kasper, E. Kreisel & H. J. Treder - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (5-6):375-389.
    We give picture-covariant formulations of the equations of motion for observables and states such that the Hamiltonian operator is transformed asH-0304;=U(t)HU † (t) under a time-dependent unitary transformationU(t). Next, we consider the explicit and implicit covariance of Heisenberg's equations of motion for observables with respect to general transformations of coordinate operators. Most of our representation is spread out over a number of textbooks and articles, where the subject has been considered with greater or lesser clarity from different points of view.
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  17.  63
    An Epigram from Eutresis.J. U. Powell - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):126-.
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  18.  34
    2. U. J. Stäche, Flavius Cresconius Corippus, In laudem lustini Augusti minoris.J. Blänsdorf - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1).
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  19.  61
    Incarnate Reason: Problems in Rendering Christian Anthropology Accessible to the Contemporary Bioethical Discourse-A Commentary on Peter Dabrock.U. H. J. Kortner - 2010 - Christian Bioethics 16 (2):158-176.
    In order to secure ethical relevance for phenomenology, Peter Dabrock proposes a synthesis with a Kantian rational ethic. The theological question thus arises concerning the tenability of such a synthesis and the acceptability of the corresponding translation of Protestant anthropology into the language of philosophy. Dabrock argues that man's character as an image of god, understood in the context of a theology of justification, can be translated into the philosophical concept of incarnate reason. Even if the concept of incarnate reason (...)
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  20.  25
    (1 other version)Eppe Kakh γahnh. Θ 164.J. U. Powell - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (3-4):165-.
    Mr. Agar in Homerica, Preface ix., has suggested that κακι γλνηι was the original reading, ‘Be off with the evil eye upon you.’ I have searched, but in vain, for any formula of imprecation corresponding to the formula of blessing, τύχγαθι, though I should like to see it in κακι τѵχι of the Treacherous Hound in Agamemnon 1230. Mr. T. C. Snow, objecting to Mr. Agar's alterations of the Homeric text, once suggested to me that we should rather retain the (...)
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  21.  42
    On an Alleged New Fragment of Epimenides.J. U. Powell - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (5-6):139-142.
  22.  35
    Additions to the Greek Anthology.J. U. Powell - 1919 - The Classical Review 33 (3-4):55-56.
  23.  52
    Notes on Recent Discoveries.J. U. Powell - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (03):142-.
    μxs22EF. ρ[…] τει. Professor Hunt thinks that this may be the remains of a verb ending in -εxs22EF or -λxs22EF; read perhaps 'κρινλάτει. The uncompounded verb occurs in col. iv. 1. 8. It is well known that Sophocles is fond of forming new verbs compounded with xs22EFκ. Professor Hunt tells me that this suggestion satisfies the conditions in the Papyrus. Compare κυνηλέσω, 11. 15, 44, and xs22EFκκυνηλxs22EFσαι, 1. 75.
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  24.  5
    Philosophical Issues in Environmental Education.J. U. Emeh (ed.) - 1995 - Published by Macmillan Nigeria Publishers for Nigerian Conservation Foundation.
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  25.  13
    Direction-dependent elastic grain-interaction models – a comparative study.U. Welzel *, S. Fréour & E. J. Mittemeijer - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (21):2391-2414.
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  26. Texts under Arrest: The Autobiographical Writings of Helen Joseph.J. U. Jacobs - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  27. Life and healing processes in Urhobo medicine.J. U. Ubrurhe - 2005 - Journal of Dharma 30 (1).
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  28.  16
    Classification Theory: Proceedings of the U.S.-Israel Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic Held in Chicago, Dec. 15-19, 1985.J. T. Baldwin & U. Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic - 1987 - Springer.
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    Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z=3-3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts.J. -B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, J. P. U. Fynbo, M. Gronke, K. E. Heintz, D. B. Malesani, P. Petitjean, N. R. Tanvir, V. D. D'Elia, D. A. Kann, J. T. Palmerio, R. Salvaterra, K. Wiersema, M. Arabsalmani, S. Campana, S. Covino, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, F. Hammer, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, C. Kouveliotou, T. Laskar, Andrew J. Levan & A. Rossi - forthcoming - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Context. The identification of the sources that reionized the Universe and their specific contribution to this process are key missing pieces of our knowledge of the early Universe. Faint star-forming galaxies may be the main contributors to the ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization, but their escaping photons cannot be detected directly due to inter-galactic medium opacity. Hence, it is essential to characterize the properties of faint galaxies with significant Lyman continuum photon leakage up to z 4 to (...)
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  30. Breyten Breytenbach and the South African prison book.J. U. Jacobs - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  31.  19
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of a partially crystallized La-based bulk metallic glass.J. Basu, N. Nagendra, Y. Li & U. Ramamurty - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (15):1747-1760.
    The evolution of microstructure upon partial crystallization and its influence on the mechanical properties such as hardness, elastic modulus and viscosity in a La 55 Al 25 Cu 10 Ni 5 Co 5 bulk metallic glass alloy are studied. Specimens with various volume fractions of crystalline phases were obtained by annealing the as-cast amorphous alloy above its glass transition temperature and were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Microscopic examination of the heat-treated samples shows short-range-ordered domains prior to nanocrystallization within the (...)
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  32.  52
    Sophocles, Antigone, 1302–3.J. U. Powell - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (04):116-.
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  33. Rationality or intuition-response.U. Schuklenk, D. Mertz & J. Richters - 1995 - Health Care Analysis 3 (3):271-272.
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    A case study of complex metallic alloy phases: structure and disorder phenomena of Mg–Pd compounds.J. P. A. Makongo, Y. Prots, U. Burkhardt, R. Niewa, C. Kudla & G. Kreiner - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):427-433.
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    Teoria zdań odrzuconych. I.J. Słupecki, G. Bryll & U. Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1971 - Studia Logica 29 (1):116-119.
    This is not an article, but it is published after the paper "The theory of rejected proposition.I" (in Studia Logica, 29 (1971), pp. 75-123), it is a broad abstract in Polish on pages 116-118.
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  36.  21
    A coherent photofield electron source for fast diffractive and point-projection imaging.J. C. H. Spence, T. Vecchione & U. Weierstall - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (35-36):4691-4702.
  37.  43
    Bioethical theory and practice in genetic screening for type 1 diabetes.U. Gustafsson Stolt, J. Ludvigsson, P. -E. Liss & T. Svensson - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (1):45-50.
    Due to the potential ethical and psychological implications of screening, and especially inregard of screening on children without available and acceptable therapeutic measures, there is a common view that such procedures are not advisable. As part of an independent research- and bioethical case study, our aim was therefore to explore and describe bioethical issues among a representative sample of participant families (n = 17,055 children) in the ABIS (All Babies In South-east Sweden) research screening for Type 1 diabetes (IDDM).The primary (...)
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  38. Medizinethischer Seminar «Wahrnehmung ethischer Probleme im Klinischen Alltag».J. U. Schwarz - 1994 - Ethik in der Medizin 6 (2):109-113.
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    An Architectonic for Science: The Structuralist Program.Wolfgang Balzer, C. U. Moulines & J. D. Sneed - 2014 - Springer.
    This book has grown out of eight years of close collaboration among its authors. From the very beginning we decided that its content should come out as the result of a truly common effort. That is, we did not "distribute" parts of the text planned to each one of us. On the contrary, we made a point that each single paragraph be the product of a common reflection. Genuine team-work is not as usual in philosophy as it is in other (...)
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  40.  46
    Urinary schistosomiasis among school children in Nigeria: consequences of indigenous beliefs and water contact activities.U. O. Amazigo, C. I. Anago-Amanze & J. C. Okeibunor - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (1):9-18.
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  41.  73
    The Simile of the Clepsydra in Empedocles.J. U. Powell - 1923 - Classical Quarterly 17 (3-4):172-.
    It is exxtraordinary what difficulties have been found from ancient times in the extract from Empedocles containing his theory of respiration, and preserved by Aristotle, De Respiratione 7, p. 473 B1.
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  42.  25
    Electron energy loss spectroscopic studies of brown diamonds.U. Bangert, R. Barnes, L. S. Hounsome, R. Jones, A. T. Blumenau, P. R. Briddon, M. J. Shaw & S. Öberg - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (29-31):4757-4779.
  43.  13
    Policy Appraisal of Community Bank Performance in Nigeria: An Empirical.J. U. Bassey & B. R. Hodo - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (2).
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  44.  64
    Berliner Klassikertexte, Heft V.J. U. Powell - 1908 - The Classical Review 22 (06):175-178.
  45.  86
    Conjectures on Some Passages In Greek Poetry.J. U. Powell - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (3-4):184-.
    Hermesianax, ap. Athen. 599B, I. 91 = Collectanea Alexandrina p. 100. This is a locus desperatus; but since the reviewer of Collectanea Alexandrina in the Classical Review, XXXIX., p. 192, accepts the idea which underlay my conjecture ξετρνησε, I think of adding to it οѵδϥμνόν τε, which is suggested by Schweighaeuser's οѵδϥμνόν The line will thus run: οѵδϥμνόν τ' ξετρνησε βίον ‘uitam uilem deliciis consumpsit.’ Hesychius has: οѵδαμνός οδένοςλόуου εστ βραύςεύτελής.
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  46.  43
    Notes and Emendations.J. U. Powell - 1912 - The Classical Review 26 (06):181-183.
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    On the New Fragments of Greek Poetry Recently Published at Berlin.J. U. Powell - 1919 - The Classical Review 33 (5-6):90-91.
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  48. The Method of Analysis.J. Hintikka & U. Remes - 1977 - Mind 86 (341):133-136.
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  49.  18
    A new law on advance directives in Germany.U. Wiesing, R. J. Jox, H. -J. Hessler & G. D. Borasio - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):779-783.
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  50.  56
    Split views among parents regarding children's right to decide about participation in research: a questionnaire survey.U. Swartling, G. Helgesson, M. G. Hansson & J. Ludvigsson - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7):450-455.
    Based on extensive questionnaire data, this paper focuses on parents’ views about children’s right to decide about participation in research. The data originates from 4000 families participating in a longitudinal prospective screening as 1997. Although current regulations and recommendations underline that children should have influence over their participation, many parents in this study disagree. Most (66%) were positive providing information to the child about relevant aspects of the study. However, responding parents were split about whether or not children should at (...)
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